ShellExecute in Delphi
ShellExecute in Delphi – Launch external applications. ShellExecute is Delphi Windows API function that is mostly used for launch external applications from our Delphi application. This function is linked to the ShellExecute Windows API function. The function returns an integer that corresponds to an error code which is very useful when we need to show some status if the function worked or not . By using ShellExecute we can also do following operations.... Can print documents from within my program, without explicitly starting the application that created the document, such as: print a Word-document without starting Word. Can open browser with a local HTML page Can surf to a site i.e. open an external URL link from a Delphi application Can send mails thorugh outlook Syntax of Windows API function HINSTANCE ShellExecute( _In_opt_ HWND hwnd, _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpOperation, _In_ ...