
Showing posts from August, 2016

Filtering, Searching/Finding and Sorting records in ADO Datasets Delphi (TAdoQuery, TAdoTable, TAdoStoredProc)

Note. - Here in my article I have used Dataset word for TAdoQuery Component but we can apply the same for other TCustomADODataSet descendent component.  And this example assumes that TAdoQuery component is already opened with a valid SQL and have some data in memory. Filtering records in TAdoQuery by using Filter, Filtered property Filter records in TAdoquery means to access or show some specific records that exists in Adoquery dataset memory as per User's requirement.  After opened a TAdoquery dataset with valid SQL, we can still filter the fetched data at our client application side.  When we filter a dataset, we restrict access to a subset of records contained in the dataset's in-memory store.  For example, imagine that you have a AdoQuery dataset that includes Vendor's records, world-wide. Without filtering, all Vendor records are accessible in  the dataset. That is, it is possible to navigate, view, and edit any Vendor in the dataset. Through filtering we c...